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25 Mother’s Day Gifts for Grandma from the Kids

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When we called grandma to wish her Happy Birthday, she was at preschool with one of her grandkids. They were busy spring crafting. (In Romania we celebrate the beginning of spring on March 1st, when it’s also grandma’s birthday). Being with her little granddaughter and crafting together made grandma’s day. This inspired me to put together a collection of Mother’s Day gifts for grandma that kids can make. Any of the gifts in here will make grandmother happy and put a big smile on her face. What can be more special than a gift made by grandkids?

Mother's Day gifts for grandma from kids

Make sure to also check out this lovely collection of 15 Mother’s Day handprint gifts for moms and grandmas.

Mother’s Day gifts for grandma

Mother's Day gifts for grandma from the kids
DIY Mother's Day grandma gifts
Mother's Day grandma gifts kids can make

Sharing is caring!