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Button Earth Craft for Preschoolers

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Today we’re adding a new craft to our Earth collection. This paper plate button Earth craft is perfect for kids as young as preschoolers and kindergartners. It can be a classroom craft to celebrate Earth Day or kids can create it at home with their parents.

Paper plate button Earth craft for kids

Paper plate button Earth craft

Paper plate Earth craft
Earth Day craft for kids
Button Earth craft for kids

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blue paper plate

Step 1: Paint a paper plate blue. Kids can use a paintbrush or a paint sponge. We usually prefer the paint sponge as it can be faster and more fun.  Some kids may go directly for their fingers and this is fine. My youngest likes getting messy.

Glue on paper plate

Step 2: Once the paint has dried completely, you can go ahead and apply glue where the continents should be.

Buttons on paper plate
Button continents

Step 3: Add buttons to the paper plate, one by one, and press firmly. Cover all the area where glue has been applied and let it dry.


Check out more easy crafts for kids!

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