This paper bag Batman craft is so fun to make. Kids who are into superheroes will get to paint, cut and glue and easily turn a brown paper bag into one of their favorite characters.
Because my youngest is a big Batman fan, this is not our first superhero craft. Our favorites so far have been the paper plate Batman and the Batman grass pot.

Paper bag Batman craft
- brown paper bag
- white and black paint
- paintbrush
- white paper
- Batman logo
- glue
- scissors
- black marker

Step 1: Cut out the ears at the top of the paper bag.
Step 2: Paint the Batman mask black. This is at the top and bottom of the paper bag. The middle of the paper bag is painted white for Batman’s face.
Step 3: Draw Batman’s eyes on white paper, cut them out and glue them on the paper bag.
Step 4: Glue the Batman logo at the bottom on the paper plate.
Step 5: Use a black marker to draw Batman’s mouth.

Variation of the paper bag Batman craft:
To make it easier for young kids, they can only paint Batman’s mask and leave his face the color of the paper bag.

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