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School Bus Shape Card

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My oldest didn’t know what to expect of Kindergarten but he’d been excited about one thing long before school started: the school bus. Now it’s time for my youngest to start riding the school bus with his big brother and friends. We created a school bus shape card to celebrate the first day of school and the first school bus ride.

School bus shape card. An easy back to school craft for kids #backtoschool #schoolbus

We’re having a fun summer, playing with neighbors and friends, going places, trying new sports (one of my boys wanted to play soccer this summer), new games. We started camping and this has proven to be a nice family activity that we all enjoy. So one one hand I don’t look forward to waking up at 6 am again, preparing home lunches and juggling school, homework and extra curriculum activities. Yet, on the other hand….if you are a parent, you know what I mean…:)

Shape crafts made their way into our crafting world last year. Our shape Santa has been such a success with both my kids and our readers that we started exploring it more. We’re creating and learning shapes and that is a win-win!

Shape crafts are great for toddlers and preschoolers who are just starting to learn their shapes.

This school bus shape card is perfect for kindergartners to help them reinforce the shape knowledge before starting school.

School bus craft

When my oldest started kindergarten, he made a handmade card for the school bus driver. I wrote a few words about my son, to introduce him to this stranger who all of a sudden become responsible for safely driving my kiddo to and back from school. That card may have been the result of my first time kindergartner mom anxiety but I think it was cute. So we’re doing it again this year for my other son.

How to make a school bus shape card

Back to school bus craft for kids


School bus shape card 1

Step 1: Print the shape school bus template, cut the shapes and trace them on card stock paper.  You will need one big yellow square, one big yellow rectangle, three little black squares, one little black rectangle, three big black circles and three small white circles.

School bus shape card 2

Step 2: Fold the yellow square in half. Glue the black squares (windows) on one side of the folded yellow square,  making sure that they are aligned.

School bus shape card 3

Step 3:  Glue the folded square to the back of the yellow rectangle.

School bus shape card 4

Step 4: Add the two black circles (wheels) at the bottom of the bus, one towards the left end and the other towards the right end.

School bus shape card 5

Step 5: Glue the two white circles (inside wheels) on top of the black circles.

Step 6: Glue the black rectangle on the bus, under the windows.

Step 7: Write a short message or make a drawing inside the school bus card.

School Bus Shape Craft

School Bus Shape Craft

A fun and easy school bus craftto help kids review shapes: circle, rectangle and square.


  • Shape school bus template
  • Cardstock paper: yellow, black and white
  • Glue


  • Scissors


    1 Print the shape school bus template, cut the shapes and trace them on card stock paper.  You will need one big yellow square, one big yellow rectangle, three little black squares, one little black rectangle, three big black circles and three small white circles.

    2 Fold the yellow square in half. Glue the black squares on one side of the folded yellow square,  making sure that they are aligned.

    3 Glue the folded square to the back of the yellow rectangle.

    4 Glue the two black circles at the bottom of the bus, one towards the left end and the other towards the right end.

    5 Glue the two white circles on top of the black circles.

    6 Glue the black rectangle on the bus, under the windows.

    7 Write a short message or make a drawing inside the school bus card.

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