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Are you looking for ways to teach your kids about the world ? I put together a list of several tools that will help children learn about different countries, locate monuments on the map, explore cultures and local animals! You’ll have all the elements for a virtual travel around the world with kids that will be fun and educational at the same time.
Exploring the world can easily become overwhelming but you can focus on aspects that appeal most to your children. I know, for instance, that my toddler would be interested in animals while my preschooler is fascinated by buildings as they may have elevators (he’s obsessed with elevators). You can also make connections with elements or people in your life. Some of our conversation starters would be: our grandparents live in Romania, one of my oldest’s teachers is originally from India, the man with the yellow hat found George in Africa, pasta comes from Italy and so on.
The elements I’m about to present to you will fire up kids’ curiosity about the world we live in and will introduce them to geography through play.
Where in the World is a big carpet in vibrant colors that will stimulate lots of interactive play. It helps identify the continents and oceans, countries (though not all countries are labeled), important landmarks, like the Sidney Opera, Taj Mahal, the Pyramids and local animals: elephants, kangaroos, camels, etc. The next elements on the list: miniature buildings, kids from around the world and animals are a nice addition to the map carpet. They will provide an opportunity to celebrate diversity, develop orientation skills on the map, increase vocabulary and will encourage imaginative thinking. While these miniature buildings may be for older kids, as they are puzzles with rather small pieces, if you look for small landmarks for toddlers and preschoolers, I recommend the Safari miniatures – I got them for my kids and they love them. Monuments on the Map is an award winning toy that combines foam monument making, map puzzle and geography games.
Have fun around the world with kids!
This post is part of the series “Learning through Adventure” hosted by Bambini Travel. Check it out and make sure to come back every day of this month for more interesting ideas of adventures for young kids.
Let kids be kids
Thursday 22nd of October 2015
Love the floor map, it would really help show where things are. Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids
Friday 23rd of October 2015
Isn't it wonderful?
My Bored Toddler
Thursday 22nd of October 2015
I love teaching kids about other parts of the World
Friday 23rd of October 2015
I do too, especially as my husband and I were born in another country than our kids and we want them to be familiar with both worlds.
Thursday 22nd of October 2015
Love this idea! Such a fab way to educate children on other cultures and countries. Thanks for linking up to #babybrainmonday x
The Art Kit
Tuesday 20th of October 2015
Love this collection, especially that carpet! :)
Tuesday 20th of October 2015
The carpet is my favorite also. It's a fantastic idea to help kids learn about the world.
Monday 19th of October 2015
Love the idea of the floor map - definitely something I'm going to keep up my sleeve for my daughter! #babybrainmonday
Monday 19th of October 2015
I also love it. If you check out the Learning Carpets' website you'll find plenty of other great carpets for kids