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Climate Change Craft for Kids

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I feel that little by little the beautiful “how much we love” Earth crafts that we do with our kids for Earth Day will be replaced by “how to save our planet” crafts. It’s sad but it’s necessary that we teach our little ones about climate change and how we can all fight it. This climate change craft is great for little kids and it can be paired with a global warming and climate change lesson.

Climate change craft for kids

Have you talk to your kids about global warming? Do they know what climate change is? How it affects us humans the animals and our planet? What can we do as individuals to help the Earth?

There are many good Reduce, Reuse and Recycle ideas out there for kids and many opportunities during the day for them to practice the 3 Rs. There are also several great educational programs they can watch. We watched the series “Our Planet” on Netflix and it’s heartbreaking to see how climate change affects the life of animals we love.

Climate change craft

OK, let’s go back now to our climate change craft.

We made it very easy (like the rest of our collection of 200+ crafts for kids) so that kids as young as preschoolers can make it. Apart from the two big googly eyes, we only used paper for this craft. And I also created a climate change template.

Climate change craft for preschoolers

While this is our first climate change craft, if you plan on making it for Earth Day, I would suggest you take a look at our entire collection of Earth Day crafts. You will find a lot of easy paper plate craft ideas in there.

Climate change craft

Climate change activity for kids

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How to make the climate change craft

The climate change template comes with two versions:

1. home template – print the template, cut out the patterns and trace them on appropriate paper.

2. classroom template – print the pattern directly on colored paper and cut them out.

This way you can easily craft with just one or two kids as well as with a classroom full of students.

Step by step directions for home crafting

Print the home template, cut out the patterns and trace them on colored paper.

To make the climate change craft you will need: 1 red flame, 1 blue Earth, 2 green continents and 1 light blue tear.


Start by gluing the continents onto the Earth.

Earth eyes

Add two big googly eyes.

Earth tear

Glue the tear underneath one of the eyes.

Earth mouth

Use a black marker to draw the mouth.

Glue the Earth at the bottom of the flame.

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