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He Is Risen Interactive Craft

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The final product of this He is Risen interactive craft is sure to wow your child. Akin to a pop-up book, this is a wonderful way to tell the Easter story. Time to get out the scissors, crayons, and glue!

He Is Risen interactive craft for kids

Start off by coloring the half circle with the three crosses. While your child scribbles, describe that this was where Jesus died. Jesus went to the cross to bring us close to God and give us forgiveness of sins.

Next, have your child color the printout of the tomb and Christ’s ascension. Jesus was dead for three days, but he was made alive again. Jesus beat death so that all who come to him can have true life and no longer fear death.

Jesus left earth by going into the sky and he will return the same way! He told us to go tell everyone the good news that we can be forgiven and live with God someday because of his sacrifice on the cross.

Last, color the He is Risen half circle. You can teach your child that we say “He is Risen” because it means that Jesus is alive!

He Is Risen interactive craft for preschoolers

After the coloring is all finished, cut out the shapes. Allow your child to do this step if they’re old enough. Next, fold the long sheet in half–include your child on this step as well! Lastly, glue the pieces together. As you unfold the craft, it will reveal the risen Christ!


Suggest that your child use this He Is Risen interactive craft to teach a sibling or family member the story of Easter! No only is it a wonderful way for them to show off their craft, it will also help cement the story in their mind as they retell it!

He Is Risen Interactive Craft

Easy coloring Easter craft for kids

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How to make the interactive Easter craft

Start by printing the two circle halves on white cardstock paper, color in and cut them out.

color the circle halves

Print the last page of the template and color it.

color the page

Trim the white sides of the last page of the template.

cut the edges

Lay the paper with the drawing facing up and fold it in half along the center dotted line. Fold backward along the top dotted line. Don’t fold along the bottom line.

fold the paper

Glue the bottom half of the circle at the bottom of the folded page, where marked.

glue the bottom circle half

Glue the top half of the circle at the top of the folded page, where marked.

glue the top circle half

Pull the top half circle upward to see the drawing inside.

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