Are you looking for a fun craft to teach your child the story of Christmas? This coloring Nativity Story headband can be a valuable tool for teaching kids about the birth of Jesus in a fun and interactive way.
The Christmas story craft printable template comes with two options: simply color the scenes or color the scenes and glue them onto the paper hat.
This is a great craft to use if you’re not sure how much time you’ll have, since completing one part still makes for a complete activity.
A good craft for preschoolers and older kids, all you need are some colors, scissors, glue, and tape! Perfect for at home or Sunday school, the Nativity Story paper hat is sure to be a hit.
To begin, have your child color the first circle. Talk about the angel appearing to Mary, letting her know that she was going to have a baby. Not just any baby–the son of God, Jesus!
Next, color the circle with Mary on a donkey. She and her husband Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem, a city far away. She was very pregnant–the baby could come at any time!
The following circle shows a baby Jesus in the hay. Explain that Mary gave birth in a small space used for animals, like a tiny barn. Jesus was placed in a manger, where livestock eat from, instead of a crib. Can you imagine the King of the Universe being born in such a place!?
Next, discuss the shepherds who were nearby. The angels rejoiced at Jesus’ birth and told the shepherds about it! They traveled to see the baby.
Finally, speak about the wise men who traveled a long time to see the new King. They followed a star at night, which led them to Christ. They brought the baby expensive gifts to honor him.
Once all the scenes are colored, you can stop here, or continue to make the headband. Have your child color the angel and star, as well as the title. Then, cut out each of the circles and glue them onto the hat’s template. Cut out the headband, measure the size needed, tape it, and you’re done!
More Nativity crafts for kids:
This cute Nativity Story coloring crown is a great craft to teach this important Bible lesson. Whether you stop early or finish until the end, it’s a wonderful activity to have around Christmas time!
Benefits of using the Christmas Story crown
1.Visual representation: The nativity scene depicted on the paper hat provides a visual representation of the birth of Jesus. This helps children to better understand and remember the story.
.2 Hands-on learning: By coloring end decorating the nativity paper crown children actively engaged in the learning process. This hands-on activity encourages their creativity and allows them to take ownership of their learning experience.
3. Storytelling aid: Once the paper headband is colored and assembled it can be used as a storing telling aid. Children can wear their hat while retelling the nativity story acting out different characters and narrating the events. This interacting of approach helps enhance their comprehension and communication skills.
4. Symbolic representation: Each element of the nativity scene such as baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the animals, holds symbolic meaning. Through coloring and discussing the symbols, children can begin to grasp the significance of the story and the characters’ roles.
5. Cultural understanding: Learning about the nativity story is not only important from a religious perspective but also for cultural understanding. Understanding the significance of Christmas and the birth of Jesus can help kids appreciate and respect different traditions and beliefs.
Bu using this coloring Nativity Story crown, kids can actively engage with the story of Jesus’ birth, fostering their understanding, creativity, and cultural awareness.
The printable craft template comes with two title options:
- The birth of Jesus
- The Nativity story
A blank template is also available for kids to write.
Nativity Story headband
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- Nativity paper hat printable
- 65lb white cardstock paper
- Colored pencild
- Scissors
- Tape
Step by step instructions
Print the headband on white paper.
Color the front of the headband and the five scenes of the Nativity story.
Glue the scenes on the front of the headband.
Tape two paper strips to the front strip. Use the third if necessary.
Bend the paper strip into a circle. Wrap the band around the kid’s head to check for fit. Tape the ends together.

The Nativity Story Headband
Help kids learn about the birth of Jesus with this Nativity Story paper hat.
- Nativity template
- 65lb white cardstock paper
- Colored pencils (optional)
- Tape
- Scissors
1. Print the headband on white paper.
2. Color the front of the headband and the five scenes of the Nativity story.
3. Glue the scenes on the front of the headband.
4. Tape two paper strips to the front strip. Use the third if necessary.
5. Bend the paper strip into a circle. Wrap the band around the kid’s head to check for fit. Tape the ends together.