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Styrofoam Ball Hyacinth Flower Craft

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Have you ever used Styrofoam balls in your crafts? They are usually associated with Christmas ornaments but they are also awesome craft materials for any other season. We have turned them before into monster’s eyes and today we are creating a beautiful Styrofoam ball hyacinth flower craft for kids.

We love flower crafts. They are fun to create with kids and you can turn them into cute little gifts for someone special. I’m sure grandma would always love to receive such flowers.

For this hyacinth flowers we used a Styrofoam ball assortment that we found at a thrift store. You can find them online, too. (I’ll share a link below).

Styrofoam ball hyacinth flower craft for preschoolers and kindergartners

Styrofoam ball hyacinth flower craft

Styrofoam ball hyacinth flower craft for kids

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Step 1: Cut the Styrofoam balls in half. (adult only) You can use any kitchen knife to cut the balls.

Step 2: Paint the ball halves purple and let them dry completely.

Step 3: Cut out stems from green construction paper and glue them to your colored card stock paper. We used a 12″ x 12″ card stock paper so it could fit more Styrofoam balls and make the flowers long and beautiful. Our background paper is yellow but a light blue will also look great.

Styrofoam ball hyacinth flower craft collage

Step 4: Glue the Styrofoam balls on both side of the green stem. Start with the smallest ball size that goes to the top of the stem and end up with the biggest balls at the bottom.

Step 5: Cut out leaves from the green construction paper and glue them onto the sides of your beautiful Styrofoam ball hyacinth flowers.


Check out more easy crafts for kids!

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