We created this flower bouquet spinner with Mother’s Day in mind. But mom would love to receive it on her birthday, too, or any other day, really.
Also grandma would love it on Grandparent’s Day. Kids can make the flower bouquet for their teachers for Teacher’s Appreciation Week or at the end of the school year. The flower bouquet is great for any special occasions.
While our flower bouquet has the sign “Happy Mother’s Day!” on it, the template also comes with a blank note where you can write any message you like or in any other language than English.
If several kids make this Mother’s Day flower craft at the same time, they won’t look alike. For two reasons. Kids will color with colored pencils or markers or paint the flowers and they will arrange the flowers in the bouquet in any direction they want. If they change their mind, they can just give the flowers a spin and the bouquet will get another look.
Imagine this craft made in a classroom. The outcome will be amazing! A great variety of flower bouquets, all colorful and unique.
This craft idea is a combination between the Mother’s Day spinner and the handprint flower bouquet. The flower bouquet spinner definitely stands out in our Mother’s Day craft collection.
Flower bouquet spinner
- Flower bouquet template
- White and brown cardstock paper
- Colored pencils
- Paper fastener
- Hole punch
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Ribbon
How to make the flower bouquet spinner
Start by printing the first page of the template (bouquet paper) on brown paper and the second page (flowers and signs) on white paper.
Color the flowers.
Use a pencil to make a hole in the middle of the flowers. (where marked)
Use a pencil to make a hole at the top of the bouquet paper. (where marked)
Attach the flower and bouquet paper together with a paper fastener.
Glue the sign on the brown paper, between the flowers and the two black dots.
Use a hole punch to make two holes in the middle of the brown paper. (where marked).
Thread the ribbon through the two holes and tie it up into a bow.