If you’re looking for some easy painted rocks for kids, I’ve got you covered. First you’ll have to encourage your little ones to look for some stones during your nature walks. Then come back to this collection and pick your favorite.

I don’t remember who started collecting rocks in my family: the boys or me. One thing is for sure, we’ve got by now a pretty impressive stone collection.
Sometimes when I need a certain rock size that we don’t have, I will buy some more from a craft or dollar store. But many of our rocks come from lake shores in our state and some even from our vacations.

The kids will play with them and a few will end up on their craft table, covered in paint. Their last project was to use golden paint to create gold rocks for their treasure chests.
Today I have gathered 37 rock painting ideas.
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Here are some of the supplies you will need to paint rocks:
Play pretend painted rocks for kids
Car track rocks by Playtivities
Easy miniature campfire craft by Box of Ideas
Rainbow rocks by Non-Toy Gifts
Mud kitchen food by Munchkins and Moms
Rock fish pond by Make It Your Own
Nature, birds, bugs and animals painting rock ideas
Ladybugs by Easy Peasy and Fun
Flamingo by Hello, Wonderful
Lady dragons (source unknown)
Cactus rocks by The Best Ideas for Kids
Frogs by Martha Steward
Owls by Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls
Snails by Kids Craft Room
Mouse rocks by I Heart Crafty Things
Gift painted rocks
Rock necklace by The Artful Parent
Rock photo holder by Buggy and Buddy
Stone ring by Red Ted Art
My Dad Rocks! by Non-Toy Gifts
Garden markers by Crafts by Amanda
Learning activities with painted rocks for kids
Emotions story stones by Where Imagination Grows
Galaxy rocks by Color Made Happy
Alphabet rocks by Hello, Wonderful
Flag rocks by Non-Toy Gifts
Weather stones by The Craft Train
People painted rocks for kids
Family painted rocks by Whatever…
Face rocks by Isabelle Kessedjian
Mix and match painted rocks by Nora Menzel
Painted rock people by Non-Toy Gifts
Rock art
Kandinsky inspired rock art by Arty Crafty Kids
Rock magnets by Alisa Burke
Black and white painted rocks – source unknown
Heart painted rocks (source unknown)
Painted rock art by Typically Simple
More rock crafts for kids
Dyed decorated rocks by Twitchetts
Fluffy pet rocks by The Craft Train
Mess-free sticker rocks by Fireflies and Mud Pies
Heart rocks (source unknown)
Fish rocks by hello, Wonderful