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Valentine Hearts

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Heart Valentines. Easy paper bags to do for Valentine favors for the classroom. | at Non-Toy Gifts

Is it too early to think of Valentine’s Day? I don’t think so. Not when I have more than 70 valentines on my to-do list.

I was over the moon with how my heart shaped birdseed feeders turned out last year. It was a non-candy original idea (I wish I could take credit but it was all Pinterest inspiration) that both my boys and their classmates, friends and neighbors loved.  Even though I’m taking the easy way out this year and go with store bought valentines I still want to add a personal handmade touch by creating heart shaped Valentine’s Day treat bags. These DIY paper bags are pretty easy to make but do require basic sewing skills.

Related articles:

Simple DIY Valentine's Day treat bags to make from wrapping paper. Free printable. - at Non Toy Gifts

You will need: wrapping paper, pencil, paper edger craft scissors, small valentines, bamboo skewers, red felt, hot glue gun and sewing machine.

Simple DIY Valentine's Day treat bags to make from wrapping paper. Free printable. - at Non Toy Gifts

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To make it:

1.Download the Valentine heart , cut it and trace it on your wrapping paper, with the pencil.

2. Fold the paper and roughly cut out each heart. Use your paper edger craft scissors to cut out the hearts one by one. Cutting front and back at the same time saves time and is important as you want the design on both pieces to match.

3.Start sewing the two heart pieces together.

4.Insert a gift tag with your child name on one side.

5.Slide your small valentine inside and finish up the sewing.

6.The bags look pretty just like this but you can also add a little extra something: a cupid arrow. For this you have to punch a hole on the right top and left bottom with the bamboo skewer and then slide it through.

7. Cut out two small triangles to use as the tip of the arrow and two rectangles for the end. Place a triangle on a flat surfaces and apply some hot glue on top. Place the bamboo skewer in the middle and cover with the other triangle. Repeat the same with the rectangles. Once the end pieces are in place, cut them into a v-shape.

8.Rip off the paper to enjoy the valentine and reveal the surprise inside.

Here are a few ideas for small valentines that would fit inside these paper bags: heart stickers, mini jungle animals, mini dinosaur stampers, finger puppets, mini animals notepads with wiggly eyes, mini Play-Dohs and mini pull back racer cars.


Simple DIY Valentine's Day treat bags to make from wrapping paper. Free printable. - at Non Toy Gifts

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